

RAULI Trade Names Rauli, Coigue, Lenga, Patagonian Cherry Similar Woods European Maple, European Cherry Origin South America Range Mainly in Chile up to Patagonia, the most southern point of South America, where there are larger stands. The tree may have up to 100 cm in diameter and grows up to 40 m high and 20 […]


ANEGRE Trade Names Anegre Blanc, Longhi, Anigre, Aningre Similar Woods European Cherry, European Walnut Sapwood Origin West Africa Range West and East Africa from Guinea through Sierra Leone, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Nigeria, Cameroon and the Congo to Angola, eastwards to Zaire and Uganda, tropical rain forests. Uses For veneer. In Central Europe generally used as […]


HEMLOCK Trade Names Hemlock, Hembal, Pacific Coast Hemlock Similar Woods Fir, Larch Origin Western North America Range Mainly, Hemlock is growing close to the Pacific coast between Sonoma County in the north of California and the Prince William Sound in Alaska. In the heartland, this species can be found less often, although the natural growing […]


COURBARIL Trade Names Guapinol Similar Woods Jatoba, Locust, Hickory Origin Tropical Central and South America Range Guapinol belongs to the impressive, evergreen trees of the neotropics with broad treetops, which mainly grow in an area extending from Mexico to northern South America. This species can be found on the West Indies as well and reaches […]


WENGE Trade Names Wenge Similar Woods Panga Panga Origin Africa Range West Africa, Gabon, Cameroon, Congo, Zaire, concentrated between Stanley Pool and Kiwu, in the Province of Equator and around Kisantu. Uses Valuable veneer wood, specially used as slicing wood for face veneer with close veins. Architectural wood for furniture, paneling and parquet flooring, construction […]